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2019/7/27 14:19:37发布105次查看
二、人工搬运的间隔。这个间隔是指楼口泊车地之间的间隔。远间隔搬运对搬运工人来说是很费力 的,以是要加收用度。基准间隔异常平常是20米,20米以内不加费。跨越20米,每米加收1元的搬运用度。异常平常来说,假如车辆能停到楼前,搬运间隔是不会跨越20米的,也就不会加费。
relationship between moving expenses and floor and interval
the floor height is a basis for the relocation service department of taiyuan city. if the primary residence and destination place belongs to the building or the cottage, is not subject to the cost of the floor. if the destination is in residence and residence buildings over second floors (including second) or is in the basement, free time two: if the environment building elevator available to the application, do not accept the floor without elevator, the expense; at each floor 10 yuan accept move expenses.
the exception of moving and riding a taxi is that there is a baseline interval and an extra interval. there are three environments:
i. the distance between vehicles. this interval is the interval between the original residence and the destination. the reference interval is 15 km, if not beyond without charges. span 15 kilometers, unusual, add 4 yuan every kilometer.
two. manual handling intervals. the interval is the distance between the floor and the parking area. the distance of handling handling workers is very laborious, is to add charges. the base interval is usually 20 meters, and there is no charge within 20 meters. cross 20 meters, charge 1 yuan per metre for handling. unusually, if the vehicle can stop in front of the building, the handling interval will not exceed 20 meters, and it will not be charged.
three, off-site loading and unloading. remote handling will increase vehicle spacing and moved to the time, is to add charges. the standard is to go to more than one place, subject to 50 yuan.



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